Paulownia Retail Products
Here you will find some of my wholesale customers whom I have associated with over the years. Here you may find end products using paulownia wood such as guitars, KY kayaks, wood carvings, and charcoal.
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While my personal life could not be better, I felt the "daily grind" of a corporate job never quite fit my personality. In 2015 I started experimenting with woodworking, specifically hand carving canoe paddles. I found that making paddles not only provided me a creative outlet, but allowed me to further connect to a region that I have come to love. Being born in Maine, I'm not sure I'll ever be considered a true southerner, but I definitely consider the South my home. Among my many goals with SouthernWood Paddle is to help connect other people to the South, its natural resources, and its history. Along the way maybe I can help a few folks find happiness, create new memories, and inspire someone else to take the risk to do what they love.
Bluesman Vintage is a high-end boutique shop that caters to the needs of the professional musician. We offer the highest-quality vintage replicas and boutique guitars available on the market today. We use the best materials available and pay strict attention to detail when building one of our instruments. In a world of expensive high-end boutique guitars, Bluesman Vintage instruments stand head and shoulders above instruments that cost over five times as much! The staff at Bluesman Vintage feels that there is no major difference between an “Average” guitar and a “Magical” one, but rather the difference derives from the culmination of many details that they incorporate into every instrument. The same can be said for our extensive catalog of vintage restoration work. With a combined 45+ years of experience as both luthiers and musicians, the staff at Bluesman Vintage knows what it takes to build a superior instrument and will not settle for less than stellar performance from our instruments or from our unparalleled customer service.

Over 20 years of hand building custom guitars and basses to your specifications in Winchester, KY USA

Our signature charcoal that's locally grown and processed here in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Black powder made with Paulownia charcoal is legendary for its power and performance. Screened to -100 mesh to remove any large particles which helps reduces your ball-milling time, our Paulownia is a fantastic choice for use in firework aerial shell lift and burst charges or anywhere extremely fast burning black powder is required. Sold in 1lb resealable, poly bags